Maas Dim | Fish Egg's Omlet

Fish Egg Omlete

Fast to cook and exquisite in taste is the fish omelet and this is the way we prepare it in North East India. Somehow the omelet is filling and just one ladle is quite satisfying and filling. The fish egg omelet is good for starters whether to cook or eat. I like plating it sushi style.

The procedure is same as an egg omelet.
1.       Oil, enough to fry the amount of egg you have, be generous.
2.       Salt to taste
3.       Finely diced onions about 1tsp 
4.       Turmeric for colour, a pinch.

       In a deep pan, heat oil and fry the onions. When the onions are translucent, add the fish eggs, turmeric and salt and fry until golden brown.
Serve with salads.

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